Time to test a theory of mine
Does anyone think Michael Jackson's innocent?Nah, me neither.
But I have a theory (actually, it's not a theory, it's a proven fact): in this country, if you've got money, you can get away with things Joe Sixpack would rot for.
And we all know Jacko's got money. Just like O.J. had money, just like Chris Webber has money, Bill Clinton (I like him, but he lied under oath), etc. etc.
Well, let's see what Jackson gets. Personally, I think any parent that let their kids near Captain Freak Show should have them taken away and be forced to read books on pedophiles. But hey, I don't make the decisions around here, do I?
Call me a cynic, but I have to agree. People like to pretend that justice is blind, but not in this country. Money talks...and it speaks loudly and convincingly.
I've said it from the beginning, Wackie Jackie won't spend a minute in prison. I also think that all this "sickness" crap is just a hoax to try to drum up some sympathy.
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